+91 7754017806
Ashwin Krishna Gaur
A Corporate trainer with a gamut of experience of performing in plays, short films and documentaries, a steadfast voice over artist, Ashwin's calm and gentle demeanor will bowl you over.
It’s all about the people.
We are good ones. And so are our clients. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Meet the team.
JP Bolles
VP of Creative
Peter Wells
Art Director
Martin Lee
VP of Marketing
Ray dawn
Content writer
Valentin Cano
Graphics & VFX Supervisor
Yaniv Alfred
From Romania Ali moved to Germany with Leagas Delaney, Hamburg. Where he worked under a great Art Director, Hermann Waterkamp. From there he went on to build a truly global career, first as Art Director then as Creative Director for the likes of Leo Burnett, JWT, McCann, before finally topping it off as ECD of DDB-Berlin in 2012.